Looking for the latest product to source? Globemart’s marketplace offers a search engine that will give buyers an easy way to search and discover products from sellers throughout the world. Join today and browse through our marketplace to find quality niche products. We constantly make sure that the ompanies that join us are verified and offer the latest in trending consumer goods.
Interested in sourcing a product and quickly obtain pricing and product information? Sourcing has never been more easy and dynamic. Use our Sourcing Cart to save multiple products and submit your inquiries to all sellers efficiently. Whether you want to ask for a quote, send a private message, negotiate terms, Globemart makes it easy through our integrated messaging system.
Looking for a specific product at a specific price? Globemart allows buyers to post Buying Leads about products that you are seeking to purchase. These leads will be appended to a searchable bulletin and will be automatically distributed to sellers with premium subscription accounts according to the specific product name, category, and/or geographic location.
Our integrated TradeDoc document management system helps streamline the way you conduct business transactions and buy from global sellers. We provide you simple-touse form generators for purchase orders, invoices and other important trade-related documents. All of your documents are stored safely and securely in our cloud for you to conveniently access anywhere.
Follow favorite companies and stay updated on new product updates, promotions, and company news. Tradefeed allows you to establish intimate social connections with sellers and share those connections with others through an expansive network to create a worldwide social commerce experience.